Monday, April 5, 2010

Sigh... Still not enough time

Sooooo, last post was in January with hopes of finding time to keep up with my Bloggieland. Honestly, I just don't know how to juggle so many things; family, home, full time work, friends, etc. I so admire those who do it seemingly with ease. Truth is, some of my happiest, most content moments were spent connecting with those of you I've had the pleasure of meeting here and through my on-line shop. I'm not giving up the hope of finding balance - I've always sought it - hence the chosen name of Harmony Quest.

I played with my digital art today for all of a whopping half hour before work and I loved it! I must admit though, that so many months have gone by that I have forgotten a trick or two. But I enjoyed myself just the same. I must make time for more!

I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful weekend of family and Easter blessings and treats. As always, I send you all the very best of wishes and hopes that you're content in all that you do. xox


Luthien Thye said...

hello dawn :)
so nice to see a post from you pop up on my dashboard once again :)) hope you had a real nice easter!

luthien :)

Plumrose Lane said...

I'm a little late visiting, sorry! I understand your dilemma and can relate although I can't help but think you're making the right choices, family should always come first and work... well... it's work. ;-) Just know you're never far from our thoughts ~ truly.